Updates regrading Labor and Delivery 服务

6月- 07 - 2022



Convenient, local Maternity and Newborn care is still available in Quincy.

PG电子官网很高兴地宣布PG电子官网的双系统产妇和新生儿护理模式,让孕妇在Plumas农村卫生中心接受产前护理(长达36周),然后在邻近的医院分娩. Early on in pregnancy, our team helps each patient to decide where her childbirth will occur. PG电子官网的怀孕护理协调员一对一的工作,以帮助确保护理顺利转移到您选择的分娩医院.

一旦孩子出生, local families can resume all their care in our conveniently located Quincy office. We provide all newborn care and can take care of all of mom’s postpartum needs. Maternity and Newborn 服务 include:

  • Full-service care throughout pregnancy
    • 产前
    • 糖尿病管理
    • Fetal non-stress tests
    • Routine laboratory testing
    • 超声波
  • Full-range of newborn care
    • 48-hour newborn check up
    • Newborn weight checks
    • Treatment for jaundice
    • 包皮环切术
    • Breast feeding and infant feeding 支持
  • Postpartum care for mom
    • 避孕
    • 妇科服务
  • 分娩类
  • 24/7的妈妈 & Baby Line Support Line

For more questions about our dual-system Maternity and Newborn care model, please call us at 530-283-5640



We are exploring the viability of an “Alternative Birthing Center” (ABC), a California healthcare facility under the provisions of Health & 安全法规§1204.3. In addition to HSC §1204.3要求, 替代生育中心必须符合美国生育中心协会(AABC)制定的国家认证标准。, and obtain licensure from California Department of Public Health (CDPH).

Many have asked, "how can PDH consider a Birth center since we had to suspend OB services?"  In the Birth Center, care is provided in the midwifery and wellness model. 在这个模型中, a midwife or physician, and a second labor attendant, are in constant attendance during active labor. 这与PDH以前的模式相反:由一组专门从事分娩和分娩的注册护士和医生提供急性产科/新生儿护理.

正是这种助产模式,使得生育中心成为普卢默斯县许多准妈妈的可行选择. It is important to note as well, 这一努力承认普拉马斯县的许多怀孕将不符合助产模式. PG电子官网正在寻求建立一种模式,使这些孕妇能够在Plumas农村保健中心接受产前护理,直到孕36周,然后在合作医院分娩.

Our current plan involves the exploration of other potential locations, both on- and off-campus. A potential plan could also involve a modular building.




今天, 来自Plumas地区医院各科室的团队成员组成了一个特别工作组,探索建立一个替代性分娩中心. 拟议的分娩中心模式将是独立的,而不是主要医院校园的一部分. Care is provided in the midwifery and wellness model; during which a midwife or physician is in constant attendance during active labor. 分娩中心的位置将在主医院的10分钟车程内. 该模型将采用美国生育中心协会(AABC)的国家标准。.




Please see the update below following JoDee Read’s letter to the community on June 7th, announcing the diversion of Plumas District Hospital’s OB services until September 1, 2022.
今天, 中午, Plumas地区医院举行公众董事局会议,让医院员工和社区人士就产科服务发表意见. During the meeting members of our staff and OB providers expressed their sadness, 支持, and sympathy to all patients affected by the diversion.

Following continued discussion by our Hospital’s Staff, 董事会 and Senior Management, PG电子APP将利用这段时间为母亲制定可持续的分娩方案, 婴儿, and families in our community.
Until a new program is developed, Plumas District Hospital will continue to provide perinatal visits, 支持, and coordinate labor and delivery care with Tahoe Forest Health System, 恩洛医疗中心, 班纳健康中心, Renown Health or anywhere else that the patient requests, to assure smooth handoffs for our patients.

Plumas District Hospital’s obstetric providers, 管理, 董事会感谢PG电子官网附近的医院在这段时间为PG电子官网地区的产妇和她们的婴儿提供护理.



Letter from our CEO regrading OB services: 

After a long and difficult decision, PG电子APP将转为产科,至少在9月1日之前不能在PG电子官网的医院分娩, 2022. Rural Health facilities, which include Critical Access Hospitals and Rural Health Clinics across America, 由于大量护理人员短缺,医院和诊所是否面临人员配备不足的危机.

PG电子官网并没有忘记,PG电子官网是加州最后一家能够提供产科服务的农村卫生机构, PG电子官网的热情和目标是能够以某种身份继续为PG电子官网的社区提供这些重要的服务. In order to provide safe and sustainable care for our patients and their families, we are forced to explore alternative options to care for expecting mothers and their 婴儿.

目前, PG电子APP正在与该地区的其他医院签订合作协议,以便能够为怀孕和分娩需求提供混合或团队方法. PG电子官网打算继续为怀孕36周的孕妇提供围产期护理, with the objective of a smooth transfer of care for delivery. We are looking into how best to continue 支持ing the transition, recognizing that some people have financial and transportation constraints. 同样重要的是,能够通过在婴儿出生后在农村卫生诊所提供后续护理来支持家庭和新生儿的需求. PG电子官网所有的产科医生(医生和助产士)继续在农村卫生诊所为产科病人以及新生儿和儿科病人看病.

此外,PG电子APP正在探索提供分娩服务的其他选择. Keeping families in their hometown is our goal. We have dedicated staff working on care coordination and the future of community OB services.

有分娩问题的患者应在营业时间内与产科医生进行随访,下班后使用急诊室解决紧急问题. PG电子APP急诊室将支持将分娩患者紧急转移到另一个设施,并为那些因分娩太远而无法转移的患者提供紧急产科护理.

传达这一消息,面对PG电子官网社区产科服务状况的残酷事实,PG电子官网感到非常悲伤. 然而, PG电子官网将继续感同身受,并希望尽可能地帮助满足患者的围产期护理需求. 感谢您的理解和耐心,因为PG电子官网将继续在Plumas地区医院研究产科的未来.

I am confident many of you read about this on Plumas 新闻 yesterday, and I apologize in advance for this communication not coming out prior to that. Thursday’s 董事会 meeting will start at 12pm and is open to the public. I encourage anyone interested in making public comment regarding OB to attend. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out. I am available by email and phone and appreciate hearing from you. This is an emotional topic, and one near and dear to so many of us.

As I have said before, I am hopeful and committed to trying everything. 我仍然相信,PG电子官网可以书写一个不同于美国许多其他关键医院的故事,并找到一种方法,让妇产科服务留在PG电子官网的社区.


JoDee Read,首席执行官

Plumas District Hospital









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